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The Tillsonburg Skating Club is a not-for-profit organization sanctioned by Skate Canada. Fundraising is an important way to cover the costs of daily expenses that would otherwise be collected through an increase in registration fees. The proceeds from fundraising help to cover many expenses throughout the skating year including a contribution to the cost of ice time, weekly props, group session supplies and the year end ice show. 

A fundraising fee deposit (one per family) for CANSkate and STAR Skate of $200 is due upon winter season registration. Refunds will be issued at the end of the winter season after fulfilling either a volunteer requirement of eight credits and/or fundraising equal to $1000.  

There are several different types of fundraisers to choose from.  


Elmira Poultry



Delivery in late November/early December 2024.


Order your pizza from Tillsonburg Dominos from  February 8 - 15, 2025 to earn funds for the club.  Check email for more details!


Skate Ontario Ticket Books

Skate Canada Fundraiser 

Tickets due in March 30, 2025.


Mint Smoothies will be available during skating times in December 2024. 

While supplies last.  

Club Wear

Tillsonburg Skating Club Wear is available year round at

WSC Imaging. 

22 Oxford Street, Tillsonburg, ON



 Available:  Jackets, t-shirts, sweaters, hats, pants, etc. 

WSC has our logo on file - so stop in or call them today!  Email your order:



To help offset the increasing cost of skating and our ice show, the Tillsonburg Skating Club is looking towards the generosity of our business community for their sponsorship assistance.  In appreciation of this support, the Tillsonburg Skating Club will proudly recognize participating sponsors on our social media. 

A donation cheque payable to the “Tillsonburg Skating Club” would be gratefully appreciated.  Receipts will be provided to all sponsors upon request.  

The skaters thank you in advance for your financial assistance, for without your help in supporting them, the cost of skating will skyrocket with limited skaters on ice per session. 

Got Fundraising Ideas?


The Tillsonburg Skating Club is always looking for additional ideas to help our fundraising efforts.  Please contact us at if you have an idea or would like to help with our fundraising efforts.



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